General Dental Treatment

5 Dental Treatments the Whole Family Will Appreciate

Teeth Cleanings   |   Fillings   |   Crowns & Bridges   |   Root Canals   |   Tooth Extractions

Our practice can take care of just about all dental services without having to refer you to a specialist. We give you the most for your time by offering all your dental care in one office.

We believe preventive care is the best way to keep your teeth healthy. Your total care begins at home with consistent brushing and flossing. Regular hygiene visits to us make your teeth stronger with cleaning and fluoride.

We know that sometimes life doesn't go as planned and your teeth suffer. We provide high-quality care in restoring your mouth to health when disease and injuries strike. We offer general dentistry as well as cosmetic procedures so you can have a healthy smile. Our goal is to help you achieve dental health through the best practices, technologies, and preventive dentistry. Call today to schedule your teeth cleaning in our Canton, OH office.

Teeth Cleanings

general-treatmentGood dental hygiene includes two visits per year to have your teeth cleaned. These appointments are important because the dental hygienist removes plaque and tartar from your teeth that your toothbrush cannot reach, such as under the gum line or between teeth. Once your teeth are clean, we apply fluoride to protect your teeth.

Proper fluoride treatments strengthen your teeth. It can even help rebuild tooth structure and repair damaged enamel.



When you get a cavity, the decayed tooth needs to be removed in order to prevent further damage to the healthy part of your tooth. A filling is the material that replaces the decay. Today all fillings are white fillings, or composites. They look and feel more natural. You may have some of the old amalgam/metal fillings. These can contain traces of mercury and are hazardous to your health.

We can remove your old fillings and replace them with the composite filling so you can start enjoying a whiter smile and healthier future. You can choose from resin or porcelain materials and end embarrassment over those dark spots in your smile.

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Crowns and Bridges

Sometimes old fillings are too large to be replaced, decay may be too advanced for a simple filling, or your tooth may be cracked beyond repair. Dr. Williams may suggest a crown or bridge in these cases.


A crown is a custom false tooth made from gold, porcelain, or resin that is fitted over your original damaged tooth. The original tooth is drilled down past the decay, crack, or old filling and then acts as an anchor for your crown.

It takes several visits over the course of a month to complete your crown. Once your permanent crown is in place, continue daily brushing and flossing and your crown can last for the rest of your life. 


If your tooth is beyond repair, the Dr. may have to remove the tooth. A bridge is an affordable and convenient way to fill the gap. At the very least, you must have some sort of space holder once a tooth is removed to avoid:

  • Bite problems
  • Jaw issues
  • Shifting teeth

There are three types of bridges: fixed, Maryland, and cantilever. Each is used for a specific purpose. Dr. Williams will advise you which will restore your smile and functionality the best.

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Root Canals

Sometimes bacteria and decay make it all the way through the enamel and begin to infect the pulp of the tooth. When this happens, the pulp must be removed and the canal reshaped. The pulp is replaced by filling material. Eventually, a permanent filling is placed on the surface of the tooth to restore it to full functionality.

In the past, teeth with advanced decay were simply pulled out. If you get to Dr. Williams quickly, he can save your tooth with a root canal rather than pulling it.

Tooth Extractions

Extraction is the removal of a tooth. Sometimes children need a baby tooth extracted if it is in the way of a permanent tooth. Extractions are needed for teeth damaged beyond repair, or teeth that are no longer supported by the gums due to gum disease.

Most extractions are non-surgical. Dr. Williams will numb the area and remove the tooth in the office. Other extractions, generally, wisdom teeth, are surgically removed and require more invasive procedures.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

It is fairly common to have wisdom teeth extracted. These teeth show up in the late teens or early adulthood. They usually need removal for one of two reasons: crowding in the mouth, or impaction. Impaction is when a tooth is unable to push through the gums and gets stuck. The tooth becomes surrounded with a liquid-filled sac which can easily become infected. Untreated, impacted teeth can cause damage to the jaw bone, surrounding teeth, and tissues of the mouth.

Dr. Williams generally advises that wisdom teeth be removed to avoid these serious conditions.